Thursday 14 June 2012

CQMS and a prize

Still tinkering with the blog and a grand prize for my 50th member / follower.

Indeed, I deleted a number of less important links and added a few new ones which have caught my interest. Have a look.

And then there is my 50th member / follower and he wins a prize: lifelong member- and followship to the Nyudrev Chronicles for FREE., gratis, gratuit, and that for as long as he lives or less long than that if that person should outlive me. For reasons of discretion and privacy the 50th follower has been personally contacted by me on his Parum Pugna blog of his title of Honorary Follower of the Followship of the Blog.

Just to keep everybody interested: the 100th follower will also receive a signed picture of my dog (signed by me, not the dog).

Happy gaming

Sunday 10 June 2012

How to...

Me, I'm not the kind of man seeking fame by inventing warm water....

The main reason for the "how to" section is to share someone else's great idea, and give that person credit. It also helps me find quickly those links when I need them.
Anyway, I've added two links.
First Paul at Paul's Bods has this great technique for making halberds and in extension any kind of flat shape you could need at the end of a pole. I used it to create some finials -if that is the correct word- at the top of some standards. Thank you Paul for sharing that with us.
Next , looking for a durable method of mounting printed paper flags, I came across this wonderful tutorial by Stefan in his Monty's Caravan blog. By the way, while you visit that blog, scroll down and have a look at those excellent painted miniatures. I've also included Monty's Caravan in the inspiration section. Stefan, danke ihnen.

Well, almost finished the updating, next up will be the quartermaster section. Who needs it? I for one don't have any money to spend on such frivolities as toy soldiers, or so she says...

Happy gaming

Friday 8 June 2012

Favourite places

and those fallen out of favour...

I also deleted some of my ex-favourite places, because they're not my favourites any more.
But please take a few moments to welcome following sites:
-the Cent jours / Mont-Saint-Jean site gives you every uniform worn by all parties in the 1815 hundred days campaign. How spoiled can you get? And all is neatly organised, so you can research by country, or by battle order...and as new information is made available Alexis, the author/artist updates the uniform plates. This is truly a life work to be proud of;
-WW2 uniform painting guides, an older blog page of "This miniature life" by a certain Lord Gumby from Brisbane, Down Under, giving links to all kinds of information on, guess...yes, painting WW2 uniforms. I do believe that blog is now defunct.

And I'm still looking for figure ranges compatible with Warrior Miniature Napoleonics...

As ever, dear reader, don't be afraid to drop a line,  even if to prove to my dear wife that people do read my postings even if there are no pictures of the balsa houses she made.

Happy gaming

Thursday 7 June 2012

New inspiration

and goodbye old inspiration...

I've started to clean up the Chronicles a bit. In the "Inspiration" section I've deleted some defunct links. And put a few new ones (for me at least) in place.
The Airfix American Civil War Project is a good example of how I would want my civil war project to look. It is completely in line with my other projects.
Parum Pugna, what can I say, sowing the seeds of doubt in my mind. That Mr Pearson is a devil of sorts.
And Vauban and Shandy, a fellow Belgian gamer, in the same line of work as myself...nice and inspirational garden gaming.
Service Ration Distribution is a school example of how a sand table should look like. Respect...
And last, Jeremy Jenkins' Marauder Moments. Those armies will be -even more- huge in a couple of years. But I'd love a game with them right now.

The near future will see more cleaning up as I go along. If you feel left out or if for some reason I unintentionally left you out, drop a line and I'll sort it out.

Happy Gaming