Thursday 5 September 2024

Yet another reboot?

 I suddenly found myself on different fora and Facebook pages pretty much writing the same posts and asking the same questions. The thing is, I started a project that was both collecting and wargaming with toy soldiers, that was historical skirmish gaming in a imaginations setting, that could even be considered fantasy at a pinch. In the end it seemed less work to start posting links on the different groups and pages to these Chronicles and tell the story (with maybe some pretty photos) as we go back in history to the somewhat dubious beginnings of the Nyudrev dynasty.

So, four years have past by, we all know what happend to the world back then. On top of that I underwent some major surgery and struggled with some health issues, both unrelated as it happens. Slowly I'm creating some breathing space. Fine motor skills are a bit difficult for the moment, so I decided to further explore some 1/32 or 54mm miniature gaming and collecting.

I wanted something rough and ready and my dear wargaming buddies, with who I never game, suggested Lion Rampant rules. After exploring OPR (One Page Rules) a bit and trying Mr. Neil Thomas' rulesets, I was persuaded to try Lion Rampant. 

Now for the rough and ready part: the toys. Remembering my youth and the toy soldiers I wanted but never got, I sourced some cheapish deals on Britains Deetail Knights and Saracens/Turks. Pseudo realistic enough to pass for some kind of historical skirmish gaming, playfull enough to introduce some fantasy elements and an imagined Hollywoodsian backstory. More on that later...

As I write the first loads of knights and -let's stick to the term- Saracens are being cycled through a cheap but effective ultrasone jewelry cleaner filled with soapy hot water. This,  combined with a once over with a nail brush, does get rid of 40 odd years of grime. The next stage, if I want to, would be some retouching of the paint work. Here it becomes interesting: at this stage the toys are ready for battle, but in function of a Fsuitable backstory the miniatures could get embellished with extra colour details, shield designs, field signs and what not. 

And now, glancing at the blog archive, I suddenly realise this blog is somewhat of an olympian effort, it comes and goes every four years, in sync with the olympics. 

One task at hand and I can't escape this one, as I promised those concerned, all six knights forming the elite slot of the Lion Rampant Shiny  Knights of the order of Hollywood will be colour modified according to the wishes of the former Forlorn Wargamers of number 68. I had those fine gentlemen chose a knightley name and title and heraldry much simplified so at least in spirit they will partake in a game.

Now this fine young man identifying himself on YouTube as Peachy Tips made an awesome video on making scatter terrain, ideal for all types of wargaming, from wooden blocks from a kiddies playset. So I bought a tub of the things to give me a jump start on terrain.

Troops sorted, terrain sorted,...what next, you wonder? Well, as I'm going forward with the 54mm stuff, the Armies in Plastic from the 2020 olympics will get to see some action. Smaller scales, mainly 28mm Napoleonics and 7YW imagination gaming, are a bit hard to handle right now...but I'm buying and reading the rules!

I may edit this post, it's been a while writing and conversing in English.

It's been a while indeed, but nonetheless,

Happy gaming!



  1. Good to have you posting here again. All the best with health and hobby.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Thank you, Alan. I'll post links in the appropriate sections in the Little Wars Revisited Forum. I'm also updating the sidebars, deleting defunct links and creating new ones. Above forum will shortly be up there. Shortly being before 2028.

  2. Looking forward to the final results Peter, especially my tabletop alter ego!

  3. Good to see you back here Piotr. Hope you keep that flame burning this time!

    Sorry to learn of your health problems - hope things improve for you - take it easy.

  4. Good to hear from you, I see the Hex board gets good mileage.

  5. Welcome back Pjotr!
    Please take contact with me by e-mail so I can help you about the questions you asked. The adress can be found in my profile.
